Under the cover of darkness, Giddel silently mobilized his troops across the square to storm Rahab’s house. Two were stationed at the base of the staircase, and six on the door. Hashum provided cover with the archers on the wall, in case the spies managed to escape the ambush.
With sword drawn, Giddel thumped loudly on Rahab’s door.
“Rahab, open up.”
No answer - but patience wasn’t Giddel’s forte. He knocked again, more aggressively this time.
“Open up.”
Just as he was about to knock again, Giddel heard footsteps approaching. The door opened slowly - it was Rahab, gathering a shawl around her shoulders to shield her from the cool night air.
“What's the problem?”
“Where are the Hebrew spies?” replied Giddel.
“Yes, you heard me. Don’t play games.” Giddel and his soldiers burst through the door, dropping all civility as they shoved Rahab aside.
“But there's no one here.”
“Look for yourself. Its just me.”
“We’ll see about that.”
Giddel motioned his troops to be quiet, while he carefully inspected the room. He placed his ear up against the walls and listened for suspicious sounds.
There was nothing but silence.
Bending down onto the floor, he scanned his eyes across the room under the furniture.
Walking into the corridor, he cautiously entered the bedrooms and checked behind doors and under beds. He even jumped up and down in the floorboards to see if any were loose. Again, there was nothing.
The frustration finally got to him. He angrily lashed out, stabbing the beds with his sword and tearing the curtains down on top of himself - much to the surprise of the other soldiers in the house.
“Damn it.”
“Are you alright?” asked Rahab.
“The curtain rod hit me,” he replied, nursing the bruise on forehead.
At his wit’s end, and somewhat embarrassed, Giddel leaned out the window to check if they jumped. There were no signs of disturbance, either on the window frame or on the ground below.
While all this was going on, Rahab calmly played her part - not too smug to arouse suspicion, but not too annoyed to provoke Giddel’s anger. Thankfully, Giddel didn’t notice a fine piece of straw fall slowly from the ceiling and land on the floorboards. Neither did he notice Rahab casually step forward to cover the straw with her foot.
“Two Egyptians came for a drink this afternoon,” said Rahab. “Well, I thought they were Egyptians. They left before the gate closed. If you hurry, you could probably catch them before they get to the crossing.”
Rahab stared innocently at Giddel with her beautiful brown eyes.
“How unfortunate,” said Giddel in a soft mocking tone, “the King was going to reward you with his bed.”
He wrapped his arm around her waist tightly and kissed her softly. Rahab had long since felt any feelings towards him, but went through the motions while she carefully considered her answer.
“Then you must catch them,” she said abruptly, “I could do with the money”.
“Filthy whore!”
Giddel swiftly slapped her to the ground with astonishing power.
Rahab reeled with pain on the floor boards as blood trickled from her nose and lip. But it was worth it, every bit of it. He had taken the decoy.
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